Sunday, September 23, 2012


Everyday is a new adventure in my world. I meet all types of personalities, some good- some not so. The one's I really aggravate over are the bossy and mean ones. Bossy- bad enough. Mean- one in every crowd. Put together and you have the perfect storm for mis-communication, intolerance, and bad feelings. My job is to know the city good enough to get you where you'd like to be. I am willing to offer conversation or silence, your choice. I'll assist with your bags and adjust the seating as needed for your group. What I won't do is be your whipping post.

Please remember that cab drivers are only human. We wake up on the wrong side of the bed likely as often as you. We do our best to leave things at home and just get out and do the job but there are times when we don't succeed. So in order to minimize the chance of a bad ride don't be that passenger. Tell me where you need to go. If I'm not familiar with it, I'll ask where it is. If I do know it , I still generally verify it by saying the neighborhood I am thinking about. Please, don't get in and proceed to tell me to go... and then give me turn by turn directions. If you have a specific route you'd like taken, I can do that. Just tell me up front about your preferences. I don't come to your work place and tell you how to get the job done. My cab is my work place. So, please don't do it to me.

If you keep this message in mind whenever you travel by taxi, I assure you your ride will go over in a more pleasant manner. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Simple.

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