Saturday, July 9, 2011

Woman says TSA hair search amounts to racial profiling - The Hill's Transportation Report

Woman says TSA hair search amounts to racial profiling - The Hill's Transportation Report

So this is how far the TSA has gone. They actually want to search hair. Undoubtedly the victim in this case is right. TSA racially profiled her. Some of the comments posted  to this story are truly unbelievable. (e.g.)

You know what they say, if the hair fits, search it.

President Obozo probably put this woman up to screaming racism so that it would distract from the 9.2% national unemployment rate announced today.

Anytime you search an African American, it "seems fishy to them." 

I had rather have my hair searched than find someone with a bomb in their dreadlocks sitting next to me on a plane.

What will it be next. Because someone black gets a seat assignment in the back of the plane, that will be racism as well.

All these kinds of complaints come from the fact that President Obama had done more to hurt race relations in this country than to help them.

Let's call it like it is and stop playing around because we are afraid to speak out candidly about race for fear of being labeled a racist.

TSA, search hair, cracks, mouths and eyebrows on everyone, regardless of this racial screaming. Better safe than sorry.
BY IF THE HAIR FITS on 07/08/2011 at 14:47

This kind of reaction is a bit over the top I think. Obviously this person is not a frequent flyer who has had his/her personal self assaulted by the TSA. Far to many horror stories from America's airports by far too many people for this kind of unsympathetic thinking. The story should be read as it is meant; the TSA like Homeland Security are far overstepping the bounds of our civil liberties. It's time we, the people, stop this kind of communistic onslaught by our government.  I say hip-hip-hooray to the lady who spoke up and called it like it was.

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